MCFD Rent Supplement Applications DEADLINE
The upcoming second intake period for the rent supplement program for young adults from government care will open March 6, at 8:00 AM and close March 20, 2023 at 11:59 PM. Through Budget 2022 the Province announced that it is investing $35M over the next 3 years and ongoing into programs and services for […]
Indigenous Spaces of the Biosphere – An Educational Webinar
This webinar will showcase the findings of a recent Indigenous Scan of the Frontenac Arch Biosphere and Greater Region. Details: Throughout the Fall season of 2022, Bryanne Smart, a Research Consultant with Nakanagis Consulting Inc performed a detailed scan of the Indigenous Spaces of the Grater Frontenac Arch Biopshere, she compiled a report of her […]
Indigenous Resilience Festival
This is a free community event at the Rotary Centre for the Arts on Sunday, March 26th for the Indigenous Resilience Festival. The Indigenous Resilience Festival will showcase Indigenous Elders, youth, leaders, artists, and entrepreneurs sharing knowledge on their challenges that lead to triumphs. You can expect to witness a variety of indigenous excellence […]
Introduction to Indigenous Oral Tradition and Anti-colonial Oral Histories
In this workshop, they will think about how to take an intentionally anti-colonial or indigenizing approach to the planning, execution and presentation of oral history. Attendees will consider how certain stories are told, the questions asked, and the additional information used to supplement the narratives, ensuring that the stories amplify, empower the people that share […]
Solar Stories
Get inspired by Montana First Nation and the Town of Lumsden’s solar initiatives, and ask Peace Energy Co-op about project execution! Register here
The Walrus Talks at Home: Indigenous Health
In Canada, First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples face significant health disparities compared with non-Indigenous Canadians in nearly all areas of medical care. From child welfare, mental health, and addiction services to health governance and accessing culturally appropriate care, the current health care system isn’t working for Indigenous peoples. How can that gap be closed? […]