Supporting employees with mental health injuries with guest speaker Stéphane Grenier
On March 15th, WorkSafe BC will be hosting their third webinar as part of their Stay Connected series – “Supporting employees with mental health injuries” with guest speaker Stéphane Grenier. […]
MCFD Rent Supplement Applications DEADLINE
The upcoming second intake period for the rent supplement program for young adults from government care will open March 6, at 8:00 AM and close March 20, 2023 at 11:59 […]
Indigenous Spaces of the Biosphere – An Educational Webinar
This webinar will showcase the findings of a recent Indigenous Scan of the Frontenac Arch Biosphere and Greater Region. Details: Throughout the Fall season of 2022, Bryanne Smart, a Research […]
Indigenous Resilience Festival
This is a free community event at the Rotary Centre for the Arts on Sunday, March 26th for the Indigenous Resilience Festival. The Indigenous Resilience Festival will showcase Indigenous […]
Introduction to Indigenous Oral Tradition and Anti-colonial Oral Histories
In this workshop, they will think about how to take an intentionally anti-colonial or indigenizing approach to the planning, execution and presentation of oral history. Attendees will consider how certain […]
Solar Stories
Get inspired by Montana First Nation and the Town of Lumsden’s solar initiatives, and ask Peace Energy Co-op about project execution! Register here