Baby, Baby, Baby! Literary Readings on Children, Caretaking, and the Future
Baby, Baby, Baby! Join hosts Micah Killjoy and Nara Monteiro for a stunning lineup of memoir, fiction, and poetry from Devon Borkowski, Suzanne Manizza Roszak, Hana Mason, Jacqueline Willcocks, and Aila Omar. Browse the work of cover artist Lisa LaRose and issue artist Otilia Sabina as their fellow contributors share their writing from Room Magazine […]
Indigenous Stewardship Night | IMPAC5 Ocean Fest Speaker Series
Join them at Tuesday, January 24, at Native Education College to learn about Indigenous-led stewardship and conservation! IMPAC5 – the 5th International Marine Protected Area Congress – is being held in Vancouver this February. Ocean experts and leaders from around the world will exchange stories and science-backed solutions to protect marine ecosystems for a healthier […]
NAAG – Nisga’a Alcoholic Anonymous Gathering
Nisga'a Ts'amiks Vancouver Society's Substance Abuse and Addictions Support (SUAP) team is made up of two staff members that facilitate and manage support for members who struggle with substance abuse, youth and adult addictions and intervention programs. If you would like to make an appointment or speak to someone from their SUAP Team, please call […]
Hydrogen Energy Workshop (Virtual)
OnlineJoin the conversation to learn more about hydrogen energy, and opportunities for Indigenous communities across BC! The workshop happens on Tuesday, January 31st, 2023, from 10 AM to 12:30PM (PST) Please email Mark Blom at Mark. for registration. A link to the zoom call will be shared with individuals that have emailed interest in […]
Downtown Eastside Youth Outreach Team
Referral form Youth DTES Substance use services - Copy
The R2 Resilience Program
BC Council for Families presents The R2 Resilience Program® — developed by Dr. Michael Unger and colleagues at the Resilience Research Centre in Nova Scotia — is a simple research-based framework that helps identify and strengthen protective factors that can build stamina. This lunchtime series will begin with an introduction of the R2 Resilience Program® […]